Alloy can calculate dollar values from units if it knows price/cost per unit. This functionality is useful for retailers which provide Unit Sales and Shipments/Receipts, but don't provide Sales $ or Shipped/Received $.
Required data format:
Use the following example to load prices and costs on a per-SKU, per-partner basis:
An example file is attached to this article.
If you're unsure about the format, please ask your Alloy admin, or reach out to
Importing the file:
Alloy admins can import the file under "Data" --> "Import" --> "Import Data":
If you are not an Alloy admin, simply attach the file in an email to <customername> (e.g.
File format considerations:
- Be careful with excel! Make sure you do not forget to deal with leading zeros and improper date formats
- The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD
- The column "valid_to" can remain blank to denote an open ended interval
- Date intervals can overlap.
- For example, if you have a product whose price is 100 valid from 2022-01-01 onwards, but you plan to run a promotional price of 88 between 2022-02-01 to 2022-02-14 for Valentine's Day, you can load two rows.
- The first row will have a valid from date of 2022-01-01 with an open ended valid to. The second row will have a valid from and valid to dates of 2022-02-01 and 2022-02-14. Partner name and "product attribute" values must be the same
- Make sure to label each price with it's currency (even when it's in USD)